The Front Standard

Archaeology / Conservation / Preservation

The Front Standard Photography

Neil Dixon Archaeology Photography

The Front Standard Photography is owned and operated by Neil Dixon.  Based just outside Boston Massachusetts and serving the world, I can help you with planning, consulting, or complete documentation of any project large or small.


I began working as a field archaeologist in cultural resource management in 2000 and started a photographic business focused on CRM documentation in 2004.  I continue to specialize in cultural resource documentation providing technical photographic solutions to conservators, archaeologists, and historic preservationists.  My ability to work in the field under difficult time and environmental conditions ensures that I always get the data recorded that you need.  I have a large inventory of equipment and a level of experience that helps me find a way to gather imaging data in any situation.


We specialize in:


  • Site work documentation
  • Art documentation for archiving and reproduction
  • Rectified architectural photography
  • Rectified composite imaging
  • Reflective transformation imaging / Polynomial texture mapping
  • Close range photogrammetry
  • Multispectral imaging
  • Aerial PhotographyNeil Dixon Archaeology PhotographyNeil Dixon Archaeology Photography